Our Products


Grains are seeds and fruits of cereal grasses, often referred to as “kernels.”
Grains are efficient at transforming sunlight, fertilizer, water, and air into macronutrients. The final product is a durable seed, which can be stored for long periods.

Because grains evolved to last from season to season, we can’t digest them raw. Grains must be flaked, cracked, puffed, popped or ground before being consumed

Grains and Other Seed Products:


There are two types of wheat – winter and spring, separated by seasons of planting (autumn and early spring, respectively). The main area of ​​application – the production of bakery products, cereals and alcohol. The value of this cereal is determined by the content of beneficial trace elements, the most important of which are proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Yellow Corn

Widespread agriculture used for food and feed purposes. The main natural advantages of corn are the high content of potassium, phosphorus and vitamins of the deficient group. Corn is also used in traditional medicine and pharmacology as an effective choleretic agent. The production of corn oil and flour is another side of the absolute usefulness of this crop for the food industry.


Soybean is a preeminent for its High Protein (38-45%) and the High Oil Content (20%). Organic Soybean Seeds are processed into soy meal, soy flour and soy oil. Soybean Products do appear in a large variety of processed foods. Soy protein is relatively heat-stable storage protein, enabling Soy Food Products to have high temperature cooking, such as tofu, soymilk and textured vegetable protein (Soy flour).


Barley is Popular cultivated grass, the cultivation history of which has more than 10 thousand years. Barley is actively used in the production of a wide range of products, as well as feed. Separately, it is worth noting the widespread use of this cereal in the classic brewing. The nutritional value of this culture is the rich protein content necessary for cellular construction.